Discorder has a night at the Astoria!

Show Up, Show Off?! June 3 at the Astoria, 769 E. Hastings. Instead of featuring bands this month, we’d like to feature You! Got talent? (…or think you do?!)

Then come down to the Astoria on Wednesday, June 3rd and show off for us! Anything goes—jugglers, funny boys/girls, story tellers, mimes, balloon sculptors—or just stick to the basics—sing us a song, tell us a joke or do a little dance.

We’ve got great prize packs to give away courtesy of Mint Records, Pacific Cinematheque, and CiTR!!! Jordie Yow (Discorder) and Kasha Marciniak (CiTR) will be MCing the night, but you’ll be the one voting for the winners! Cover is almost non-existent! Throw us a toonie $2 $2 $2 on your way in and we’ll be stoked!

Email editor.discorder@gmail.com to register to perform beforehand and you won’t even have to pay cover!