June 29th, Noon-7PM
Drive hundreds of kilometers to see a festival? You don’t have too, CiTR is bringing a festival to you! We are happy to present Summer Studio Sessions; a 7 hour live broadcast straight from the studio lounge! There will be bands performing one after the other!!! Tune in or come by the station to see it all happen live!
Brought to you by Stereo Blues and Sounds of the City radio shows.
Summer Studio Sessions
We will be hosting 9 bands perform LIVE from the station lounge! Tune in or drop by!
The schedule is:
Bleating Hearts- 12:00PM
Yung Mums: 1:00PM
Facts: 1:30
Koko: 2:15PM
Sons of Granville: 3:00PM
Dominique Fricot: 4:00PM
Michael Fraser: 4:45PM
Tonye Aganabe: 5:30PM
Village: 6:15PM
Show ends at 7:00PM
For more details, check out Facebook.
Turn the dial to 101.9 or visit stagewp.citr.ca to stream live!!
Poster design by Dima deadtype@gmail.com