Update: Please find the full podcast of CiTR’s 2017 Homelessness Marathon here: https://stagewp.citr.ca/radio/special-broadcast/episode/20170224/
For the last 15 years, the National Campus/Community Radio Association has chosen a day in February to centre the voices of people experiencing poverty and homelessness with the Homelessness Marathon.
This year Local 107.3FM in St. John will be hosting the Marathon, marking the marathon’s first year being hosted in New Brunswick. On Wednesday, February 22nd, starting at 3pm (PST) and running until 2am (PST) on February 23rd, the Homelessness Marathon will go nation-wide with 17 stations broadcasting original live content.
CiTR will be picking up the broadcast throughout this period, and kicking things off with an hour of live programming from the Megaphone Offices in the Downtown East-side, We’ll be sharing stories from folk who have or are dealing with homelessness, as well as the successes and challenges surrounding the crisises impacting Vancouver’s homeless community.
CiTR will be broadcasting live on Wednesday from DURC, 2:00pm – 2:30pm (PST), and then kicking off the marathon at Megaphone, 3:00pm – 4:00pm (PST). We’ll also be uploading a special podcast compiling our Homelessness Marathon material soon afterwards. To make sure you don’t miss any content from the Homelessness Marathon, stream Local FM online here: https://localfm.ca/15th-annual-homelessness-marathon/