Real Live Action


It had just been short of 15 minutes since I had comfortably positioned myself in the Hindenburg’s smoke pit, and in a mere quarter of…

Real Live Action


It’s been 26 years since Mudhoney defined Seattle grunge with “Touch Me I’m Sick.” The dirty distortion on both the track and their debut, Superfuzz Bigmuff, inaugurated…


Homegrown Labels

“It’s exciting being on the ground floor of something. I put out White Lung’s first record when they were playing in basements of East Vancouver,…

Real Live Action

Dead Soft Tour Kick-Off

Saturday, September 27 was the perfect night to ride my bike to Red Gate to go see this wondrous lineup. I had gotten fired from…



“We’ve learned nothing about anything, and we’ve forgotten most of what we knew.” Drummer Bruce Dyck may be quick to crack wise about the five…


Vancouver's Waste-Makers

On a sunny Sunday afternoon in mid-April, I arrived at the Strathcona store-front apartment of Mark Richardson, one of the main Music Waste festival organizers,…

Real Live Action

Apollo Ghosts

Death is a hard subject to prepare for, even when you know it’s a long way away. When Apollo Ghosts frontman Adrian Teacher announced in…

Under Review

Capitol 6 & B-Lines

Over the past eight months, the Kingfisher Bluez Recording Company has been releasing a delightful string of singles highlighting Vancouver’s D.I.Y. musical lifestyle. Just about…

Real Live Action


Wednesday was ugly. Serendipitously the tone of a rainy evening, barring too-hip Cascadian apathy synchronized mood with Wednesday’s foreign dignitaries: Danish youth, Iceage. Nonetheless, the…