Close your eyes and imagine a philanthropist—a tucked in blouse, waist high skirt and immaculate lipstick, perhaps a lawyer who spends her life sitting on boards, speaking at galas and cutting the ribbons of new museum wings. Or, maybe you see a portly man with a moustache and an eye glass spending his millions on cancer research, malaria medication and textbooks for orphans. Instead, look around, and you’ll see philanthropists in the people surrounding you.
Eighty-five per cent of Canadians donate money to not-for profits or charities, and 46 per cent of Canadians volunteer. All cultures and religions have their own traditions of giving, whether it is giving alms to the poor, tithing a tenth of your income to church or a zakat in the Muslim community. November in particular is the month for giving for the following reasons.
1 It is the pre-Christmas season—that holiday time where we spoil ourselves with food, drink and gifts, and think about sharing our wealth with those in need.
2 It is nearing the end of the tax year, and people are hoping to lower their taxes through charitable tax receipts.
3 It is CiTR’s Fundrive, that annual event where CiTR staff and volunteers live in our lounge and entice you to donate with amazing swag and tales about how we’re amazing.
4 It is Movember, that time when various and sundry (tailored and ugly) moustaches can’t fail to remind us of prostates and cancer.
Whether you are a student, a young professional or a loft-living artist, giving to a cause you believe in is a joyful occasion—a chance to make a difference, support good work in your community or abroad. It’s a time to relish that feeling of wholesomeness and gift-giving; selfishness gets very tiresome. Since we know you are an avid music lover and want to support local music organizations, here are some non-profits and charities to consider when you plan your gift giving.
Discorder Magazine:
So obvious, I know, but we thank you for reading, and we hope you appreciate the hundreds of hours that writers, photographers, illustrators and copy editors have donated for your reading pleasure. Discorder is a training ground for people in publishing, art direction and journalism, and can boast alumni the likes of Will Brown (art director at Adbusters Magazine) and Grant Lawrence (CBC Radio 3). And, here’s the best news—we provide all this to you for free and we really need your support to keep this mag in print.
Our mission: To provide local music, arts and culture coverage and to develop young writers, editors, photographers and art directors.
Why give? Quality writing and local music coverage, offered to you for free each month. Discorder is the longest running independent music magazine in Vancouver, and it struggles to cover costs each year. We need your help!
Tax receipt? Yes.
Jordie Yow, Editor: “Vancouver’s music scene is full of talented musicians, but if no one knows about them, then no one will listen to them. Discorder’s purpose is to expose our discerning readers to the talented artists and musicians who live here. We don’t want to exclude possible audience members by making them pay us for the privilege of reading our magazine, which is why we’re dedicated to being free. If you think that’s a critical and useful service, please donate. We greatly appreciate any and all assistance.”
CiTR Radio:
In an age of media consolidation, CiTR provide locally-focused, alternative media coverage and music of every persuasion. For those with ears that bleed at repetition, we promise new, unique, spontaneous and surprising coverage produced in your very own community. Plus, you too can sign up for training and the chance to host your own show. We’re offering you access to our airwaves and the chance to participate in the media environment. We showcase the plurality of voices and niche interests in Vancouver.
For the past four years, CiTR has run an annual Fundrive, asking you to support the station. This year we’re hoping to raise $30,000 to fund operations and build a digital library. We want to ensure our library of local gems will last for generations, and that we continue to receive music from the tiny labels that we love.
Mission: to provide broadcast training, to offer ordinary students and citizens access to media, to provide locally-focused, alternative programming.
Why give? Fantastic coverage, interesting music, Nardwuar the Human Serviette, the longest running jazz show in Vancouver, your only source for metal, or if mainstream media just doesn’t satisfy your ears.
Tax receipt: Yes.
Penny Clark, Student Executive President: “We provide great programming, the people on the student executive learn so much, so many communication skills. I’ve seen kids come in who can barely look you in the eye and talk to you. University is a big risk time for people, they get lonely. They can come to the radio station, get out into the community and meet people who are like minded.”
How to donate:
Call (604) 822-1242 with your credit card number, or mail a cheque or money order to:
CiTR / Discorder Magazine
233-6138 SUB Blvd.
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V6T 1Z1
Or, donate online at or
Safe Amplification Site Society:
This non-profit is working to open a legal, permanent all-ages venue in Vancouver. If you read Discorder’s Venews column, you’ll know that local venues live tenuous lives, facing bylaw infractions, financial struggles and bureaucratic trouble. Safe Amp has launched a capital campaign to raise $20,000 for a new space that will house all genres of music, be affordable for all-ages shows and local musicians.
Mission: to establish a permanent all-ages space for music and other arts events in Vancouver.
Why give? Because musicians need a place to play, we need a place to see them and youth need all-ages shows.
Tax receipt: No.
Corbin Murdoch, Director: “There is a groundswell of support for these kinds of initiatives—people who want to make Vancouver a more interesting place culturally and make our cultural infrastructure sustainable … It’s important to give back to and contribute to the place that you live rather than bemoan the fact that we live in no fun city. It’s time to do something about it.”
How to Donate:
Write a cheque to Safe Amplification Site Society and mail it to their Treasurer:
Safe Amplification Site Society Treasurer
#311- 2250 Oxford Street
Vancouver, BC, Canada
V5L 1G1
Or donate online at
Girls Rock Camp:
For one week in August, a team of women rockers donate their vacation time to run a day camp for young girls aged eight to 18 years. The campers show up on Monday, form a band, learn an instrument, write a song and perform it live on Saturday. However, the real goal of the camp is to build confidence and self-esteem, and the week includes sessions on image, identity and self-defense. Girls Rock Camp raises money to subsidize those girls whose families can’t afford the camp fees—no one is turned away if their application is on time. They also want to offer year-round programming, and need a practice space/office they can use to make this organization sustainable and lasting.
Mission: building self-esteem in female youth through music creation and performance.
Why give? To change the face of rock and roll and nurture happy, well-adjusted female musicians.
Tax receipt: No.
Eli Leary, Camp Director: “I’ve always been a feminist since I’ve been a little kid … This is the most exciting and fun way to fight sexism, and to do it with the youth is really important to me.”
How to Donate:
Donate online at
Spawned in Australia, Movember has become a worldwide month of moustache-themed events. Last year, Movember raised $7.8 million dollars for Prostate Cancer Canada. The concept is simple: men start clean-shaven on Nov. 1 and collect pledges to grow a monthly moustache. Women can also participate, raising money to support their men. Movember was inspired by the amazing efforts by women to raise money for breast cancer. The odds are not pleasant—one in six men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, and one in eight women will be diagnosed with breast cancer.
Mission: to raise funds for prostate cancer research, detection, awareness and to support those affected.
Why give? You find moustaches sexy. You wish you could grow a moustache. You will pay your man to shave off his ugly moustache.
Tax receipt: Yes.
Adam Garone, CEO and Co-Founder of Movember: “For any charity that fights cancer, it’s a critical time. Scientists believe they have the knowledge and technology to make life-saving breakthroughs, however, funding and collaboration is needed to facilitate this progress.”
How to Donate:
Donate online at
This list that we’ve provided of some of our favourite charitable organizations is by no means exhaustive. Discorder supports giving of all kinds, so if you don’t find what you want to support here, go out and do some research and go onto our website and let us know what you find.